Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sept. 26 - Oct. 2, 2010

Woof StarGazers,

Aries; The Ram 3.21-4.19

Don’t avoid a situation which offers challenges; you must move forward to experience life’s joys and sorrows.

Taurus; The Bull 4.20-5.20

Just as a night void of stars resembles an empty slate it is the spark of inspiration which opens the human mind and allows it to shine brightly.

Gemini; The Twins 5.21-6.21

Ignorance may play its role in your failures but if success is still allusive perhaps it’s due to a lack of self-confidence.

Cancer; The Crab 6.22-7.22

A life may be changed forever in the blink of an eye so take the time to reflect on your actions to avoid danger.

Leo; The Lion 7.23-8.22

Regaining your footing, along life’s pathways, may require the assistance of someone who has been alienated. Don’t wait too long to make amends.

Virgo; The Virgin 8.23-9.22

Impulsive decision making could create an unbearable situation in the home. Walk away, take your time, consider all options.

Libra; The Scales 9.23-10.22

Your optimism may be challenged due to unreasonable requests made by those closest to you. Try to stay on track.

Scorpio; The Scorpion 10.23-11.21

Now is the time to question a trying relationship. Your ability to work through a tough situation will never be stronger.

Sagittarius; The Centaur 11.22-12.21

It’s time for you to accept responsibility for your actions and not always place fault with others. Friends nor family may not tolerate your foolishness much longer.

Capricorn; The Sea-Goat 12.22-1.19

Charm those around you with your kindness for this is your week to be a winner; remember that everyone has their own comfort zone.

Aquarius; The Water-Bearer 1.20-2.18

Bringing tranquility into your home should be a priority. A rocky foundation may need stabilizing.

Pisces; The Fish 2.19-3.20

Too much independence may put you at odds with loved ones; knowing when to include others in your plans will be half the battle.

Please feel free to share my thoughts with others, however, reprinting for anything other than personal amusement should only be done with my consent. Paws Up!! to all of my StarGazer Furends!!

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