Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oct. 24-Oct. 30, 2010

Woof StarGazers,

Aries; The Ram 3.21-4.19

As Luna releases her hold on your emotions you begin to see things more clearly; try not to make hasty decisions.

Taurus; The Bull 4.20-5.20

Early in the week you may experience some melancholia but that soon fades.

Gemini; The Twins 5.21-6.21

You’ll find yourself swaying like a branch on a tree when it comes to decision making.

Cancer; The Crab 6.22-7.22

Dreams take hold and fantasies consume your thoughts at week’s end.

Leo; The Lion 7.23-8.22

The waning Full Moon puts a damper on your enthusiasm and friends take notice.

Virgo; The Virgin 8.23-9.22

This is not the time to take anything too seriously; it’s going to be a roller coaster ride this week.

Libra; The Scales 9.23-10.22

Feelings of abandonment are exemplified and loved ones seem to offer no support.

Scorpio; The Scorpion 10.23-11.21

Entering into a relationship right now will be effortless but may prove risky. Enter with caution!!

Sagittarius; The Centaur 11.22-12.21

It’s going to be easy to take on additional responsibilities but your efforts won’t make much headway.

Capricorn; The Sea-Goat 12.22-1.19

It’s unlike you to pinch pennies, yet financial concerns make changes necessary.

Aquarius; The Water-Bearer 1.20-2.18

Your cautious temperament serves you well, however, being fearful of a situation is going to extremes.

Pisces; The Fish 2.19-3.20

Things may not be as serious as you first imagine. Stay calm and reconsider your options.

Please feel free to share my thoughts with others, however, reprinting for anything other than personal amusement should only be done with my consent.
Paw Up! to all of my StarGazer Furends!!

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