Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Canine Cosmic Connection, Winter Solstice 2012

Woof StarGazers,

Scholars, professionals and the general public has shown more interest, imagination and
just plain old fashioned curiosity in the infamous Maya Calendar and its last recorded
entry - judged by some - of Dec. 21, 2012; this year's Winter Solstice - which is just a scant 9 days from today.
A date, historically marking the day which  has been celebrated as a time of renewal and
rebirth by mankind since their time began, is now promoted as one filled with death, doom
and impending disasters which include, but are not limited to, solar storms, rare and threatening galactic alignments, cosmic changing black holes, planetary collisions, magnetic pole shifts and
our final countdown to Armageddon.
It seems that there are no limits to the imagination of the human brain. We often live in
the past and worry about the future; forgetting to embrace the here and now. Reaching out
for, 'what may be,' continually pondering, 'what if?' and seldom acknowledging the
wonders, love and joy which continually surround us.
The mysteries of the Universe are countless, as are the stars, and no one can predict the
future. Would you really want them too? Do you really need a road map to navigate your way
through life? What fun would that be? No, we need to embrace each new moment and find joy
in the unexpectedness of each new day. But, just in case I have this all wrong and our
entire world disappears down a black hole on the 21st, I'll close for now, embrace each moment and let fate run its course.

Aries; The Ram 3.21-4.19

Wanderlust feeds your soul but now is not the best time to become a road warrior.

Taurus; The Bull 4.20-5.20

Your resolve to take a friendship to a higher level weakens as your love interest reveals a roving eye.

Gemini; The Twins 5.21-6.21

Being of an accepting nature often serves you well, however, ‘look before you leap, is advice not to be taken lightly.

Cancer; The Crab 6.22-7.22

Co-workers may bristle when you appear unwilling to pull a fuller load. Don’t get baited into a confrontation for there are deeper reasons for your actions.

Leo; The Lion 7.23-8.22

Take a step back and stop bombarding others with your, ‘know all,’ attitude. You have some fences to mend.

Virgo; The Virgin 8.23-9.22

You appear to be on a quest or even getting ready for battle. Tone it down a bit and seek advice from a loved one.

Libra; The Scales 9.23-10.22

Romance unveils itself mid-week catching you off guard. You may become over-whelmed by all of the attention.

Scorpio; The Scorpion 10.23-11.21

A co-worker raises suspicion with their tales of intrigue. It would be wise to turn a deaf ear and allow them to have their fun.

Sagittarius; The Centaur 11.22-12.21

Mid-week brings a double whammy as Luna and Mercury begin their assault on your influences. You can easily make yourself heard by others but they will consider your directions to be pointless.

Capricorn; The Sea-Goat 12.22-1.19

After Wednesday the Sea-Goat begins to talk of dreams that others only consider fantasy.

Aquarius; The Water-Bearer 1.20-2.18

Your work week ends on a high note as your plans, for a much better future, begin to take form.

Pisces; The Fish 2.19-3.20

It would be wonderful if fairy tales did come true!! You should start to see those dreams turning into reality soon.

Please feel free to share my thoughts with others, however, reprinting for anything other than personal amusement should only be done with my consent.
Paw Up! to all of my StarGazer Furends!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Canine Cosmic Connection 2012, Autumnal Equinox

Woof StarGazers,

As this year’s Sun Cycle draws to a close, while crossing the celestial equator during the Autumnal Equinox, we move from the heat and rush of summer to the cooler, calmer days of fall. With the effect of the Sun’s alignment on our Earth’s magnetic field at it’s most powerful we can all now harvest those seeds which we have sewn. As darkness lengthens we can look inward for wisdom, peace and generosity. May the coming days be kind to us all!!

Of special note will be a Total Solar Eclipse on Nov. 13, which can be seen from areas in the South Pacific, southern South America and Antarctica. This will be followed two weeks later by a Penumbral Lunar Exclipse on Nov. 28, which csn only be viewed from the Western USA and Canada, Alaska, Hawaii, Australia and East Asia.

Aries; The Ram 3.21-4.19
Always striving to be the leader of the pack, and urged on by Apollo’s fiery sword, an Aries born often suffers dire consequences for its impulsive ways. Led by Mars with outbursts of explosive energy and arrogance that tend to keep others at a distance. The need to be surrounded by family and friends is important to followers of the Ram, however, an impulsive and combative nature often makes matters worse for all involved. Look to a Gemini born for compatibility.

Taurus; The Bull 4.20-5.20
Strong and determined Taurus also has a gentleness which conveys confidence and dependability. In the shadow of Venetian love the raging Bull demonstrates affection and reliability to family, friends and strangers alike. Home and security are of the utmost importance; even extended departures from their home base leave a lasting mark. They may find criticism hurtful but a Cancer born could soothe the pain.

Gemini; The Twins 5.21-6.21

Your curiosity may have you putting your nose into places it does not belong more often than you care to admit. Yet you’re often able to come out a winner due to the fleetness of Mercury and its generosity in providing you with a witty response. The Twins’ duplicity serve you well giving you options unavailable to others. An Aries could compliment your abilities and make life pawsome!

Cancer; The Crab 6.22-7.22

Diana’s influence enhances your nurturing capacity whenever Luna reaches its full crest. The Crab’s defensive attributes often hide your true feelings from others and your persona may appear cold and uncaring to those who don’t know you well. Solitude suits you and the dependability of a Taurua could make life almost perfect.

Leo; The Lion 7.23-8.22
The Lion’s roar is powerful and loudly expresses your generous nature. Loyalty, creativity and optimism may give way to deceitfulness, oppression and pessimsm if Sol fades from view for an extended period of time. Break out the treats and show others a good time to fend off the negatives that life throws our way. A Winged Messenger’s disciple could be a positive influence.

Virgo; The Virgin 8.23-9.22

To make order out of chaos is the Virgin’s best attribute and she does it swiftly with Mercury by her side. But you must be careful and not become too critical of other’s efforts. Nothing in life is perfect so don’t be so picky. The adoration you seek may be forth coming from a Cancer.

Libra; The Scales 9.23-10.22

The lovely Venus controls your heart making it difficult to balance trust with possessiveness. Your helpfulness is always appreciated and your diplomatic skills are excelled by no other, yet you doubt yourself all too frequently. The aggressiveness of an Aries may be beneficial in calming your indecisiveness.

Scorpio; The Scorpion 10.23-11.21

Your determination to bring dynamic change into every pack member’s life may cause unrest. To motivate others is one thing but watch your tongue for the sting of sarcasm will gain you little respect if the fury of Mars is allowed to run amuck. Your resourcefulness can not be matched and with a Bull by your side financial success should be easily achieved.

Sagittarius; The Centaur 11.22-12.21

Jupiter brings good fortune to the Centaur’s keen eye and straight shot so it’s understandable that your enthusiastic attitude and optimistic outlook can sometimes be annoying to your pack members. Outspoken honesty can be unnerving to those around you but you have the power to convince others of your causes and ideals if you’ll listen to a Gemini.

Capricorn; The Sea-Goat 12.22-1.19
Saturn’s restrictive nature puts limits on the Sea-Goats determination forcing you to be less cautious than warranted. Still your responsible and practical ways serve you well in your devotion to others. Seek advice from a Cancer in order to maximize your ambitions.

Aquarius; The Water-Bearer 1.20-2.18

The Water-Bearer heeds advice well with its ability to be both objective and assertive while bringing balance into the lives of those who surround them. The most liberal and eccentric in our cosmic cycle, Aquarians are determined to hold onto their ideals and remain individuals no matter what the consequences. A Warrior Ram could add flames to this relationship.

Pisces; The Fish 2.19-3.20
Sensitivity and compassion describe all Pisces who find their emotions run wild all too often. Sympathetic and humane their dream like attitude has no problem breaking down barriers to make life more comfortable to those they love and the less fortunate. The earthiness of a Bull may well bring balance into your life.
Please feel free to share my thoughts with others, however, reprinting for anything other than personal amusement should only be done with my consent.
Paw Up! to all of my StarGazer Furends!!